Using Cartoon Pictures to Develop the Vocabulary of the pupils (Case Study to Pupils Fifth Years SDN 4 Mojong Sidrap), (Supervised by Muh. Saleh and Ambo Dalle).
The objective of research are to find to find out whether using cartoon pictures in learning English vocabulary is interesting for the pupils or not and out the achievement of the pupils of SDN 4 Mojong sidrap who learn English vocabulary with cartoon pictures and without using them.
The problem statements of this skripsi are “How interested the pupils SD Negeri 4 Mojong to learning English vocabulary through cartoon pictures? and Are there any achievement of the pupils who learn English vocabulary with using cartoon pictures?”
This study empoloys experimental method that aplied total sampling The population of this research was the fifth years grade of SD Negeri 4 Mojong,it consist of 17 pupils, academic year 2008/2009.
The result of this research showed that the computation of the pupils score from the test indicates that there is all the pupils fifth years grade of SD Negeri 4 Mojong agree and interest learn English through carton pictures and that the pupils experimental class is percentage interest showed 90,70%.
There is significantly diference between the pupils who learn english vocabulary with cartoon pictures and before or without using them. The research finding on pre-test and post-test score were supported by the result of computation of t-test value, it was got 9,21. if the result computation of t-test value was compared to t-table value, in which with N =17, degree of freedom (df) N-1=17-1=16 in the level of significance 0,05 was got 1,746 the t-test value was higher than t-table value. It mean that the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted, and null hypothesis (H0) rejected,
Considering the result of analysis concludes that using cartoon pictures in teaching english vocabulary can motivate the pupils to increase their vocabulary mastery.
The objective of research are to find to find out whether using cartoon pictures in learning English vocabulary is interesting for the pupils or not and out the achievement of the pupils of SDN 4 Mojong sidrap who learn English vocabulary with cartoon pictures and without using them.
The problem statements of this skripsi are “How interested the pupils SD Negeri 4 Mojong to learning English vocabulary through cartoon pictures? and Are there any achievement of the pupils who learn English vocabulary with using cartoon pictures?”
This study empoloys experimental method that aplied total sampling The population of this research was the fifth years grade of SD Negeri 4 Mojong,it consist of 17 pupils, academic year 2008/2009.
The result of this research showed that the computation of the pupils score from the test indicates that there is all the pupils fifth years grade of SD Negeri 4 Mojong agree and interest learn English through carton pictures and that the pupils experimental class is percentage interest showed 90,70%.
There is significantly diference between the pupils who learn english vocabulary with cartoon pictures and before or without using them. The research finding on pre-test and post-test score were supported by the result of computation of t-test value, it was got 9,21. if the result computation of t-test value was compared to t-table value, in which with N =17, degree of freedom (df) N-1=17-1=16 in the level of significance 0,05 was got 1,746 the t-test value was higher than t-table value. It mean that the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted, and null hypothesis (H0) rejected,
Considering the result of analysis concludes that using cartoon pictures in teaching english vocabulary can motivate the pupils to increase their vocabulary mastery.