" Segala Usaha dan Pengorbanan akan dilakukan untuk mencapai sesuatu hal yang di inginkan "

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Larangan pemutaran film kartun Donal bebek

Donal bebek pernah dilarang di negara Finlandia karna tokoh kartun tersebut tidak menggunakan celana dan dinyatakn tak pantas ditonton oleh anak anak....

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

tiada henti menguras keringat.

Hidup adalah kerja keras... Saking kerasnya hidup jika kita berhenti menggerakkan tulang kita..maka tulang kita akan berhenti selamanya....

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011



Sebuah tes yang dapat dikatakan baik sebagai alat pengukur harus memiliki persyaratan tes, yaitu memiliki:

1. Validitas

Sebuah tes disebut valid apabila tes tersebut dapat tepat mengukur apa yang hendak diukur.

2. Reliabilitas

Berasal dari kata asal reliable yang artinya dapat dipercaya. Tes dapat dikatakan dapat dipercaya jika memberikan hasil yang tetap apabila diteskan berkali-kali. Sebuah tes dikatakan reliable apabila hasil-hasil tes tersebut menunjukkan ketetapan.

3. Objektivitas

Sebuah dikatakan memiliki objektivitas apabila dalam melaksanakan tes itu tidak ada factor subjektif yang mempengaruhi.

4. Prakitikabilitas

Sebuah tes dikatakan memiliki praktibilitas yang tinggi apabila tes tersebut bersifat praktis dan mudah pengadministrasiannya. Tes yang baik adalah yang mudah dilaksanakan, mudah pemeriksaannya, dan dilengkapi dengan petunjuk-petunjuk yang jelas.

5. Ekonomis

Yang dimaksud ekonomis disini ialah bahwa pelaksanaan tes tersebut tidak membutuhkan ongkos atau biaya yang mahal, tenaga yang banyak, dan waktu yang lama.

lihat selengkapnya

Rabu, 23 November 2011

speakin in motivation

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information. The students should have to ekspression the idea the ability to speak English in order that they can communicate with others. Teaching speaking skill is focused on making student active and creative. The great part of time in the process of learning speaking is dominated by students. The use of English for speaking is not simple because the speaker should also master several important elements of English: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. In that case, teachers are supposed to be creative in developing their teaching learning process to create good atmosphere, improve the student’s speaking skill, give attention to the

elements of speaking and make the English lesson more exciting. There are many techniques applied in teaching English speaking skill such as role play, games, problem solving, song, discussion, and improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the idea.

These techniques could be implemented in any grade. Thus, the writer here tries to implement a good teaching speaking technique using the improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the idea technique. By implementing this technique, the writer wishes to give new experience in learning English and have a fun situation in the classroom.

To help students improving their speaking capability the teacher conducts conversation subject, to facilitate the students to express their idea in speaking activities. However, the students seem to be confused to express their idea using English, mainly because of the lack of vocabulary. However, as the writer has seen directly, the teacher uses insufficient strategy in teaching the conversation subject. This perhaps creates the lack of student’s attention in conversation subject.

Based on the phenomena above, the writer tries to find the effective solution to improve the speaking mastery of the second year students by employing improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the idea as a method of teaching speaking. According to Harmer (1999: 274), improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the idea is students’ simulate a real-life encounter (such as a business meeting, an encounter in an aero plane cabin, or an interview) as if they were doing so in the real world, either as them selves in that meeting or aero plane, or taking on the role of a character different from themselves or with thought and feeling they do not necessarily share. Improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the idea encourages the students to be actively participating in teaching learning process because this method provides a way of creating a rich communicative environment where students actively become a part of some real word systems and function according to predetermined roles as members of that group. Improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the idea does not only make the students active but also creative and critical. Improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the ideas stimulate real life situations and realistic environment. In improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the idea, student can bring item to the class to create a realistic environment. For example, if a student is acting as a singer, she brings a microphone to sing. So, it is appropriate to use improving students’ motivation in speaking english ability through expressing the idea in improving student’s speaking skill.